Saturday 7 July 2012

An Update

I'm heading oversaeas for benevolent reasons. I won't have the internet much, so will mainly spend a bit of time editing articles here (a lot weren't proofread at all), and hopefully occassional updates when I'm settled in. Also, I was getting a bit sick of creepy internet searches such as 'lemur zoophilia' and 'pippa middleton feet naked' showing up, day after day. I also appreciate the contact I've had, and am making an effort to get back to you, but again was sick of being called names by illiterates. For that reason also, I'll take some time off this. If you want to see a list of all articles I've done, please click here. If you've enjoyed reading this, let me know, and if you haven't, you will anyway.

Also, I had a discussion last night with a girl I had met about Chris Brown,that singer who is number 1 in the British album charts. I don't know why we were talking about it, it was probably on in the background. I don't like that kind of music (Shitty R&B), but she was defending him not only as a great artist (he's not), but as a great person (he's not). He's the guy who beat up Rihanna.

 I don't like Rihanna's music either, it's at best bland, boring pop designed by committee and forcefed to idiots, at worst it's ubiquitous shit (that song 'you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world' was on in every shop, store, cafe, bar and club in the world for about 2 months, and was dreadful). I've also heard her interviewed, and she seems to be a wilfully stupid person, she made the T4 presenters who interviewed her look intelligent. However, she took a hell of a beating by this Chris Brown fella, and you can access the warrant for his arrest here, it's pretty gruesome. Before this, Brown was known as a wholesome teen-heart-throb type guy, and strangely, his vicious attack on a pretty idiot has allowed him to cultivate a 'domestic abusing gangsta' personality which has given him number 1 in the British charts. My advice, don't buy this shit, it's awful and made by awful people. Come on everyone, we should be doing better.

Anyway, thanks for reading, hopefully hear from you all soon,

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