Sunday 19 May 2013

'300' the movie, a useful cultural barometer.

There's an episode of 'Party Down' (another good show which was never on TV in the UK) where one character tries a trick involving the movie 300. the first character says that he has a mindreading trick, and can guess the number that the other is thinking about. He can guess the number, he says, if he thinks about, and writes down, the number of times he has seen the movie 300. Moving the piece of paper to a third arty, he then informs that anyone  who has seen the movie more than once is gay. It's a good test, if done well, and I thought to do it on a friend. I explained it to the other friend how it worked, and she seemed game.
The game however, screeched to a halt, when she read the piece of paper that he had seen it 18 times.


I went to see it with an old girlfriend of mine, and it was terrible, not merely for being entirely humourless, but for its loose view of history, and probably racism. If it wasn't for the South Park Episode, I wouldn't have paid it any mind. I can't imagine anyone wanting to see it more than a couple of times, and the second time is only justifiable if you were high or something. So, I suppose other than the '300' game, and the south Park episode, this stupid movie is culturally important, for telling you how good your friends movie taste is.

I'm not sure what my point is, other than that my friend is an idiot.

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