Monday 13 May 2013

FemFresh: An ArGument

Hello all!

I mentioned my disdain for this Femfresh over a year ago and largely put it out of mind until recently, when I heard a radio ad. Femfresh is a vaginal hygeine product. Its existence, and the advertising campaign which surrounds it, is, to my mind, the perfect example of everything that is wrong with the Western world today.

The advert a year ago was a very negative ad which was obviously hinting that women couldn't function unless they had cleaned their vaginas, and that a dirty vagina was repellent and unwomanly, as well as a barrier to catching the man of their dreams. Yes. The current advertisement, which can be seen here, is terrible, listing a bunch of infantile names for a vagina such as "va jay jay, kitty, nooni, la la, froo froo!" The picture, of a smiling, recently douched woman, says "yoo hoo for my froo froo." The logo for Femfresh as a, um, whole is 'expert care for down there.' This is the first part of my problem. Froo froo isn't a word that an adult should be using. A human being shouldn't trust a company that sells genital-related products and refers to the genitals as "down there." It presumably aims for a light-hearted, empowering approach, but I can't help but feel that there are better ways to go about it than referring to your a vagina as a 'nooni'. This is a product aimed at adults, and being direct about what they are peddling is important, as is the fact that an adult should be able to refer to their genitals without ridiculous innuendo.

Secondly, I have a huge problem with the prodcut itself, it refers to itself as 'PH balanced' - but what is it PH balanced against? I am almost certain that it isn't good for the vagina, or it wouldn't need to be advertised. When was the last time you saw regular soap, toothpaste or clothing advertised? Very rarely, because we all need them. We don't need vaginal wash, which is why it's advertised.  The fact that it's advertised in such a hideous way only exacerbates my point.

This brings me to my third point. The vagina is a beautiful thing, developed over millions of years of evolution to be alluring and fragrant. Thanks to gravity, it's also largely self-cleaning. It doesn't need extra chemicals on it, as it doesn't smell as long as basic hygene levels are adhered to. Any genuine smell may be a sympton of a medical condition, which FemFresh would almost certainly worsen. However, the product, and the ad campaign, makes it seem that it is necessary to add this prodcut to your vagina to enjoy your life. Why are we worrying the womenfolk with this? Because someone can make money out of it.

In conclusion, advertising men (and it's almost certainly men) have come up with a prodcut which isn't needed, which prays on deep-set vulnerablities and insecurities, while at the same time referring to vaginas using terms a toddler would find stupid. That's not merely unpleasant and sexist (at least it will remain sexist until I see 'Smegma-way' for men), it's disgusting. Stop buying this shit.

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