Tuesday 12 February 2013

Mumford & Sons. Are you serious?

Hi everyone, sorry I've not written for a while, I have a bunch of articles pending, but my enthusiasm for the whole venture is declining when I see the searches that bring people to my website. For example,
3 people searching for 'Gif Zelda naked' = I've got some gifs to make.
Anyway, today I want to talk about Mumford & Sons. I'd heard of them, but recently they've become colossal. They won some Grammies the other night, which garnered some news attention, and some friends are big fans. Heterosexual males friends. I borrowed and listened to one album, thinking it would be folky, but not twee. I was half right. Was I impressed? No. Was I surprised that they are so wussy they have a crippling nut allergy? Not at all. Nut allergies are the wussiest of all allergies, and their music reflects that. Let's look at the band:
Seen here developing a pollen allergy. [source]
The music itself is bland, inoffensive twiddly-banjo folk-pop, both by and for, cardigan-wearing tossers who hate music. That's OK of itself, but I hate when a band like this becomes enormous and acceptable to like, because it will be ubiquitous for the foreseeable future. They are very much a male version of Adele, and that's something that makes me think that we should be doing better with ourselves.

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