Thursday 4 April 2013

George Osbourne: A Turd Of A Man.

Just a brief rant today, after reading that George Osbourne has questioned the benefits 'lifestyle' of the guy Mick Philpott, which can be read here. It's a bizarre story, and a tragic one: Philpotts, by all accounts a complete asshole, had 17 kids by two abused and terrified women. He has just been sentence after he killed 6 of his children in a fire in protest to the mother of the other 11 leaving. Of course, they were all on benefits to the tune of, I think £60,000 a year. It's an unusual case, and almost definitely not the norm. He is an exception to the rule of the benefits system helping people who need it, the normal family on benefits doesn't go on trashy TV shows like Jeremy Kyle, as the Philpotts brood did.

 Either way, Philpotts has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for killing his kids, which works out at 2.5 years a child, itself a disgrace, but that's not the point here. Gideon, 'George' Osbourne has weighed into the piece, despite his insistence that he wouldn't name individuals, and says that the benefits lifestyle should be questioned. He is using the deaths of six innocent children as an excuse to reiterate his continued attack on the defenceless. He is doing this on the same day that the source of Trillions of untaxed pounds in British companies are exposed (read about this here). Call it a hunch, but he will do nothing to gain this taxable income back and continue create to dismantle the welfare state, creating a new untermesch in Britain. He is a despicable, clueless little man, whose life of unbridled privilege will never let him see the effects his decisions have made: the lives he has ruined, or the thousands of children he has needlessly put into poverty. He is, in other words, the perfect example of what a politician should not be. Instead he is the chancellor of the Exchequeur. He is, and I don't use this term lightly, an evil cunt.

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