Wednesday 3 April 2013

Two Great Websites, And One Awful One.

Hello all, today's topics, some websites.

I hate, the comments underneath web pages, particularly for news articles('A plane crash? Love it!') Not only because hehy are the comments either trite, inane, or resort into mindless namecalling. It is almost guaranteed that before five posts are done it will have resorted to a political, social or religious debate in which no one changes their mind but still hate each other at the end. Also, it tends to confuse they're, there and their almost universally, which is annoying, but I am aware that's a risky one for someone who long ago stopped proof-reading these posts. However, my two favourite places to go to watch people fight over the most inane things are:

1. - which speculates on celebrity heights.
The best thing about it though, is the trenchant warfare over the half inches. One I read, was 'you idiot, he's CLEARLY 6'1 1/2, not 6'1 - you idiot!' or something like that. Who really cares about how tall The Rock is enough to post a sign on it anyway? For that reason, it's a joy.

2. - which allows people to wonder what song lyrics mean.
this is largely because I feel that what other people think a song means is irrelevant, it's what you make of it  yourslf that should be important. This gains a good website approval not only for the intractable hatreds unleashed in the comments section (someone called it 'the bottom half of the internet') but for the fact that it is pretty useful for collecting lyrics.

My least favourite website for the time being, and for the forseeable future, is, a creepy website consisting of 'various galleries of either:

a) 'weird stuff'
b) 'pictures of animals'
c) 'facts' particularly about chuck norris
d) 'chicks in various state of undress' (often proclaiming to be girlfriends of users)
e) people smugly telling you to chive on
f) showing sympathy for people who write in who have bizarre illnesses.

This last one is the most sinister, I know that if I had cancer I'd want a bunch of frat-boys showing me sympathy. I'm not against girls sending in pictures of their asses and whatnot, and it's certianly not the only site that does that, but taken together it's utterly bizarre - can you imagine wondering around with a notebook which contained animal pictures, sexy lady pictures, stupid quotes and cancer pictures? It'd be enough to get you arrested. 

No, what really annoys me about the Chive is the smug self-satisfaction of its users, or chivers. Wearing stupid shirts (they're everywhere in London). The fact that they spend half the time congratulating themselves for their benevolence is offputting to say the least. Fuck 'em, and if another stranger tells me to KCCO, I will probably throttle them to death.

Hope everyone's crackin'

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