Wednesday 19 June 2013

3 Great Ways To Dismiss People In An Argument

You're in an argument, but it's not going well. Or, you're in an argument and it IS going well. These three techniques will help you turn the tide in your favour:

1. 'Yeah, yeah' - your enemy makes a point, and you dismiss it with a 'yeah yeah' and change the topic. It shows you don't care, and that's enough.

2. 'Get Fucked' - best with an accompanying heavy sigh, as in 'pff, get fucked' before you move onto new topics. the thing to remember with arguments is that no one has ever changed their mind as the result of one. This accepts that, and insults the cretin you're against. Everyone wins.

3. 'Ah, Blow It Out your Ass [Name of person arguing with you]' - A very underused but extremely important dismissal of someone. It's brutal, graphic, honest, disgusting, and rare enough to still have a shock value. A true winner.

There you go, you'll be unbeatable in arguing now. Hope everyone is fine.

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