Tuesday 18 June 2013

British People: An outsiders view

When not talking about Soccer, even when the season is over, or the weather, which is incredibly uneventful (I've seen lightning once in my entire time here), The Brits have two topics of conversation:
1) How much they dislike certain foods.
2) How terrified they are of spiders.

Both of these are enough to make a right-minded person want to murder them all. For the second, there are no poisonous spiders in The United Kingdom, and yet even the toughest of people, male and female, will stand atop a chair shrieking when one arrives. It's pathetic.

Even more pathetic is how averse to food people are. I know adults who will refuse point blank to even try a food, or a cuisine. A close friend of mine, intelligent in every other way, refuses to eat vegetables. Like a 3 year old child left to feed themselves, they eat fish fingers on toast for dinner. I know other people who don't like onions, cucumber, fish and any number of other things. It's no wonder that the obesity rate is so high when you have the palette of a toddler. It must be the same in other countries I've lived in, but they keep it to themselves presumably. What's amazing is that the Brits I know with food wussiness seem to be immensley proud of how picky and childlike they are. It's this narrow-mindedness that cost the British their empire.

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