Friday 14 June 2013

4 New National holidays that need to happen

I've written that I think that Valentine's day has been taken over by couples trying to outdo each other into showing each other love. Father's day is coming up, and is, along with Mother's day, just a cheap and thoughtless excuse to buy gifts to assauge your guilt at ignoring your parents for the rest of the year. Here are some other, more thoughtful days I think should be mandatory. For the record, I don't mind the notion of a Thanksgiving - aside from the whole political and historical aspects of it - it seems to be used to get together and eat (always a winner) but it also stop Christmas being advertised too early in the US. Here are the other ones I agree with:

1. Be A Dick Day
Most people are dicks. This would give the people who aren't dicks a chance to get it out of their system. Tired of moving onto the road for a fat businessman in a suit who tuts you as you pass? Why not put your shoulder down and see him fly? Tired of being the crying shoulder of idiot girls at work? Tell them that they are unloved because they are unloveable. Tell them that they only think all men are pigs because they only go out with one group of asshole friends. Take advantage of someone, go out of your way to start a fight, laugh at people less fortunate than you. t's back to normal tomorrow. As long as no laws are broken, I think it'll be a real stress reliever. However, few people will actually admit to being dicks, and so everyone would just be more of a dick than usual.

2. Get In Touch With An Old Friend Day
Think to yourself about a mate you've left along the way, and get in touch with them. Let them know you miss them. This is potentially soppy, but pretty easy to do.

3. Contact A Crush Day
Replacing Valentine's day. Put yourself out there, let someone you like know that. They can reciprocate, or reject, but there's no stigma attached to either answer on Contact A Crush Day. It either works or it doesn't and the day after you move on. There need to be more days for single people to get together, and this one would be great if it left out people in relationships. 

4. Reinforce An Enmity Day
Remember an enemy you've made, possibly one you've almost forgotten about. Let them know that you haven't forgiven them, only forgotten. This day reminds ourselves why we are right and the other person is wrong. I don't agree, necessarilly, with the concept of 'forgiveness,' and a day like this would be helpful in maintaining an enemy. Think to yourself what this person did to you, remind yourself why you either hate them or no longer talk to them, and let them know that you hate them. That's the important thing, it can't be silent. This is tied in to Effigy Day, a day when you make an effigy of an ex and burn it in a ceremony.

That's a start, what do you think? Remember, you set your own 'Be A Dick Day', so go nuts.

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