Thursday 14 March 2013

Things which are annoying me

Celebrity news isn't news. I always think that it should be there for people who want it, but you should be able to ignore it. I've always found that with something trivial, if you ignore it, it goes away. Why then does irksome tot Justin Bieber make worldwide news for tuning up late to a concert hall filled with idiots and their kids? Why has the BBC started mentioning Kardashians in the news round up? Who cares that Dennis Rodman went to North Korea? Wouldn't that news time be better spent discussing animal poaching, or the ongoing global financial crisis? It's not news. All of these things were mentioned in the same week, on major news shows. Really weak.

Similarly, whoever they elect as pope will encourage homophobia, primitivism and try to make people forget about the horrendous crimes against the vulnerable by the substantial minority of the church. Stop giving a ridiculous backwards election so much news attention. While the world was frothing over the pointless election, news of a $10m cover up of child sex abuse was swept to the back pages. Also, the new guy is 76, he's not a long-term replacement, is he?

Also, don't even get me started on those freakin' B.T. ads which just make me want to commit war crimes. It's not been a good week.

Yours in haste, Pascal.

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