Sunday 3 March 2013

Jimmy Carr: Tosser

Hello all and happy March. Today, three - just 3 - reasons why I don't like Jimmy Carr. I think they all stand up to scrutiny. I've avoided the fourth, that he's not as funny as he thinks he is, out of respect for myself.

1. The Laugh. 
You know the laugh, it's incredibly annoying.
It's almost definitely an affectation too. Anyone who 'decides' to laugh like that should be neutered by grim faced enforcers with rusty and blunt scissors. Just watching that 26s video made my brain boil.

2. The Apologies 
If you're a comedian, you're probably going to push the envelope and shock people. This means that at times, people get will offended. That's part of what you do, and part of what makes the audience feel important. His joke about amputees made the British tabloids have that particular week's outrage. You can read about it here. He then went and made a pitiful apology, dropping the joke from his act. If you are a comedian, don't apologise for anything, especially when your joke was inane and possibly even true.

3. The Tax Evasion Wuss-dom.
Defying rational thought, Jimmy Carr earns a lot of money, and he earned controversy for using technically legal loopholes to prevent paying tax. I think that this is excusable, if it's legal. I'd certainly consider it I wasn't so penniless. However, attention was drawn to it, which lead to all kinds of cretins wading in to voice their opinion. Chief amongst whom was David Cameron, who is, to put it lightly, an over entitled shit of a man, who should be as far from politics as he is from having a full head of hair. He waded in and said that, amongst other things, Jimmy Carr (in particular) was morally wrong for using this schemes. He said this instead of, I dunno, closing the loopholes through legal measures or acts of parliament.* However, instead of telling Cameron to search for his lost monocle, Carr made a snivelling, fawning apology, including a wussy twitter apology. If the comedian had any balls at all, he would have said, "It may be morally wrong, but it's up to you to close those loopholes. It's not illegal, and if it should be, then it's up to you to make it, you lying shiny-faced anachronism." Carr, instead of saying this, apologised, and probably stopped using the schemes (I couldn't find any evidence whether or not he uses them anymore), even though he didn't have to. That's why it's point 3.

 Also, he's not funny. He drags down any of the million shows he's in, I don't like his jokes. Other than this, I won't think about him again. Next.

   *what right an old Etonion who is set to inherit millions from both of his parents has to say about money is beyond me; and to choose a 'celebrity' to go after instead of bankers who make millions in tax free bonuses every year makes me loathe him more than I thought possible.

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