Wednesday 20 March 2013

Thoughts On School, Nearly a Decade After Leaving

I left school ages ago, and had the good luck / bad luck of going to a lot of them in my time (we moved around a lot; I got a scholarship to another, you know the drill). The result is, I've kept in touch, or at least acquaintance with a lot of people from a lot of schools. The following are generalisations which I have picked up. All can be rebutted, but I am surprised by how well kept to they are. Incidentally, this arose from meeting with an old friend by chance, and a discussion and coffee arising from it.

1. The sluttier the girl was in school, the more likely she gets married at 22.

2. The sluttier the guy was, the more likely he's got several kids to tonnes of different idiot women, and is bald and unmarried.

3. Girls who experimented with lesbianism tend to be straight now, while gay guys seem to largely have kept to it. The lesson here seems to be that lesbianism is passing, gays aren't.

4. Rockers and stoners either get heavily into drugs and become fat wasters with kids and a fat goth spouse, or become complete corporate drones. This late on from leaving school, they rarely stay cool.

5. Guys who were really popular for being good at sports guys are now more likely to be fat, or have unimaginative lives (for most, I mean a boring corporate job in London which they secretly hate). They are also most likely to be still hanging out with their friends from school. A group of people I went to school with are still living together, 6 in a house, in London somewhere. I can't imagine how boring their lives must be.

6. Assholes remain assholes. This is of course, rebuttable, but largely is true.

7. The most successful people were identified, or not... I went to school with an All Black, a famous yachtswoman, and a famous shitty author. All of these people were identified as 'something special' at the time. The 'nerds' tend to be a little more successful now, but that's largely due to intelligence and devotion.

8. People who stand to inherit anything are the biggest assholes of them all. I am looking at a colossal tosser I went to school with who will inherit his dad's farm, land and properties, before bringing another generation of assholes in to replace the whole thing. He's not changed a bit, and I'm glad someone beat the shit out of him while we were still at school. The same thing applies, although to a lesser extent, to others.

 9. Prettiness or good-lookingness is subjective, but people have the face they deserve by the time you reach, say, 30. I was always amazed at various schools how who was 'attractive' changed every couple of days, and followed a genuine herd mentality. Luckily for me, I know what I like, and I knew how to get it. Or something. To a surprising extent, this applies in adult life too.

10. Couples who got together in school, stayed together through university and are still together now have only a couple of options. They are either cheating on each other secretly, or are stuffed up to the brim with kids and mortgage. I lost a good friend to this.

11. You're not set by who you are when you leave school, you can change your views, perceptions, looks, attitude and being. However, chances are, if you were an asshole at 18, you're still one now.

The important lesson from this, school is largely irrelevant; if you want to learn, you learn on your own. Also, while people change, there's not much incentive to if you don't broaden your horizons.

Hope everyone is rockin'

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