Monday 2 April 2012

Lynx: Awful.

Ok, that's it. I've had a problem with ads for Lynx deoderant for a while, let's just look to two (because I couldn't find the one that's on now - where Lynx is now available for women - and society collapses because no one can do anything but rut.)

First up, this idiot attracts 'BILLIONS' of girls (although no fat chicks) after spraying horrible deoderant on his awful torso... and then this:
where angels (again, all beautiful, no chubby cherubs here) decide that a life in heaven is nothing compared to being the sex slave of a sweaty looking guy in cheap perfume, and are willing to crash to earth to codify that choice.

I understand that sex sells, and I understand that most advertising people are buzzing too much to really think about ads (seriously, I had a guy in my year who got into advertising who had to have his septum replaced because he did so much cocaine.) but this is ridiculous.

I've not only got a problem with these ads, in that they show that any old loser can 'get' a hot chick if they spray themselves, but the fact that these have been going on for years suggests that it's being taken seriously by a huge number of people. The ads portray it as a sort of cat nip for women, but only massive morons believe that.

There mst be people who genuinely think that that they're owed a hot chick, and that wearing Lynx is enough to do that for them. People like that are the reason you get offered phereomones in a nightclub toilet. It's these idiots who make nightclubs smell of farts and cheap, acidic deoderant. It's people like this that buy cologne because a celebrity advertises it on TV. It's people like this who should be neutered.

The worst thing of all though, is that Lynx friggin' stinks. It's pungeunt, it's unpleasant, and it's cloying. If they spent half as much time making it palatable as they did advertising it, then you would be able to go to a changing room without stinging eyes (from deoderant, not anything else). 

Oh god, I didn't even mention the 'Bom Chikka Wow Wow ads.'

The only worse thing is: Femfresh, which will be discussed later.

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