Monday 9 April 2012


A couple of odd incidences really made me appreciate the importance of interpretation when discussing tolerance. At a friends going away party, I had the great fortune to meet a very beautiful girl who was very funny, interesting, and most importantly of all, didn't feel the need to vomit when I talked to her (it was a heavy drinking crowd). This in itself was good news, but what made it a little saucier was that she had only one arm. Her left arm stopped at around the elbow. I remain entirely attracted to her, which would suggest that I'm maturing and becoming more tolerant as I grow older. However, my friends whom I discussed it with remain a little worried that this is not 'tolerance,' but something more sinister - that it's my own sexual deviance which is bringing me towards her. I hope it's something more benevolent.

Furthermore, the other thing which I learned this weekend was that under poor interpretations of what I was saying can be taken as good advice. I was watching TV with some friends and a friends younger sister, we were watching TV and talking nonsense, when I made the point that if you are a woman, you don't need to change your shape or personality to impress a guy, because no matter who you are or what you look like, there'll be someone for you. She interpreted this as a paean to female celebration, a notion that every woman was in charge of her own destiny, and that being happy with yourself was the most important thing. However, what I actually meant, the less pleasant truth, was that men are so stupid and horny they will screw anything and settle with it. As ever, there is truth to both of these sides of the argument. While the two versions have the same result, they differ in their message, moral tone and meaning. Still, I didn't have the heart to let her know the truth, but I suppose she'll find out in time. As it is, I'm off for a drink with the one-armed babe, wish me luck. 


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