Saturday 26 May 2012


While in John Lewis, doing something joyful, no doubt, I encountered at least three of these horrible creatures. A rich, posh, ridiculous girl* swaggering along next to their mother. Often you will see them walking around with a boyfriend (called Tobey, he's got a tattoo, works out a lot, and wears a lot of Jack Willis and Hacket clothing) or with their friends (who all look the same, chestnut brown fake tan and straggly blonde hair, walking along in leggings and Ugg boots). However, yesterday I saw more instances of them walking along next to their mothers.

The two - mother and daughter- are the same height, are dressed in the same fashion, and wear the same make-up and ridiculous hair. The problem is that as about 25 years years seperate them, it looks a little like a mirror reflection which is smudged and wrinkly, or better still, a much fatter version of the younger version. I love how they still swagger around as if they are god's gift, despite the fact that their future is next to them, and it's not pretty. It makes her ridiculous swagger and attitude utterly redundant. For whatever reason, we know it as Jabba Mirroring, I think because it's like looking into a mirror and seeing Jabba the Hutt waiting for you.

*These girls piss me off no end, arrogant beyond their looks, thinking that they are attractive merely because a bunch of horny 19 year olds in clubs try to fuck her: big hair, a ridiculous combover, Jack Willis tops, leggings, ugg boots, which are, as an Australian, indoor wear, which can be bought for £5 equivalent, and would never be seen worn outside – in the UK however, they are sold for nearly £200 and worn until the ankles roll away and their feet go all fucked up, and tonnes of make-up, a giant bag, a blackberry, which can’t help but losing itself, and some stupid name like Charlotte, Evey or Chloe, you know the type.

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